Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Commuting is Fun (at least for the summer)

I'm up to 23 miles for my round trip commute, with 13 miles in the morning.
Waking up with a view of the Columbia running towards Hood at sunrise on Marine Drive is something that I look forward to every morning. The pink, orange, purple, and blue sunrise skies around Hood are just spectacular.
This morning I averaged 22 mph on Marine Drive, thanks to a lower than usual headwind. I was up to 23 mph on Airport Way, but the stoplights got in my way yet again.
Right now my odometer reads 964 miles. I will definitely be over 1000 by Friday (!)
Most people I talk to that don't see me regularly say I look skinny... to which I reply I haven't lost a pound. Who knew biking would build so much muscle? Not only are the health benefits bountiful, but it's the cheapest therapy I could hope for. I haven't had such a pleasant summer as this in a long time, and a lot of it can be attributed to a regular biking schedule. Exercise definitely helps level out the chemicals in the brain and body.
I picked up an 07 Bianchi Pista stock rear flip flop wheel with 16T cog for $50 last night, and slapped it on the Motobecane. I shortened the chain, and tightened up the wheel, so I'm ready to try riding a 52/16 fixed gear! I'll definitely have to put in some practice miles before taking the commute plunge, just to be sure I can handle the hills on a fixie, but it's a challenge I'm willing to conquer. My winter fixed gear commuter is almost ready for the shitty weather, I just wish I could say the same for myself...

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