Saturday, September 20, 2008

Bald Peak

Fun ride.

Ended up being 32.4 miles, finished in around 2 hours 15 minutes.
Top speed you ask? 47.7 mph. A bug hit my shoulder, but it might as well have been a rock.
The ride up through laurelwood was intense to say the least. That hill is epic.
Thanks to Andrew for the awesome suggestion (have fun at OIT, we'll hit it up again next season.)
Average speed was somewhere around 14 or 15 mph.
Breakfast: vanilla yogurt with granola, and a banana.
Ride: mint chocolate clif bar, gatorade/water in water bottle, and another full water bottle
Post ride: Otto's deli, the orchard sandwich with Kettle buffalo blue chips and an orange cream kempers.
I started taking glucosamine today for the knees. They're starting to get a bit sore after long rides.
My rear tire was flat by the time I got home, patched it and it blew up. So much for having a spare.

Awesome ride, even though it was a bit chilly. Now to register for the Harvest Century...

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