Friday, December 12, 2008
Hopefully I'll figure something out soon, cause I got a wedding to plan. A little extra cash would be quite helpful these days...
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Laid Off
Time to begin another job search. It's been three years since I've interviewed for work. Oh well, that place was poorly managed and a complete dead end. More of a marketing substantiation firm than an environmental consulting firm. I deserve better.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Bald Peak
Ended up being 32.4 miles, finished in around 2 hours 15 minutes.
Top speed you ask? 47.7 mph. A bug hit my shoulder, but it might as well have been a rock.
The ride up through laurelwood was intense to say the least. That hill is epic.
Thanks to Andrew for the awesome suggestion (have fun at OIT, we'll hit it up again next season.)
Average speed was somewhere around 14 or 15 mph.
Breakfast: vanilla yogurt with granola, and a banana.
Ride: mint chocolate clif bar, gatorade/water in water bottle, and another full water bottle
Post ride: Otto's deli, the orchard sandwich with Kettle buffalo blue chips and an orange cream kempers.
I started taking glucosamine today for the knees. They're starting to get a bit sore after long rides.
My rear tire was flat by the time I got home, patched it and it blew up. So much for having a spare.
Awesome ride, even though it was a bit chilly. Now to register for the Harvest Century...
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Taken from DailyKos
by Bill in Portland Maine
Thu Sep 18, 2008 at 04:13:40 AM PDT
Character Building
Dear America's Youth,
Hey! Sup? Got a minute? Right---of course you don't. Well, we're the adults here so put the skateboard down, take the iPod plugs out of your ears, sit down and pay attention.
You may have noticed that the country you live in has turned into a bit of a mess lately. Not to put too fine a point on it, um, dudes and dudettes, but we're out of money, people are losing their homes and jobs and selling their bling to get by, we're mired in two endless wars, the planet's baking to a crisp, and nobody knows what to do. In short, we appear to be fucked. We can use that word...we're adults.
Anyway, this is just a heads-up that your mission in life will be to clean up our mess.
I know what you're saying. "Hey, we didn’t crap this shit. Why do we gotta clean it up?!" First, watch your language. Second, we planned it. Let us explain.
You see, in order to build character and resilience and valuable "life skills," we must tear you down and then build you up. We must break your spirit, make your stuff worthless, and show utter disregard for your future. But when the time is right, we'll turn over the reins to you so you can fix everything. It's called "tough love," and we're doing it because we care. Quit slouching.
Now, we're not quite done ruining the country yet. That will take a little more time. So keep on doing what you're doing for now, but be ready to take over when we give you the signal. The signal, by the way, will probably look like a bunch of grownups jumping off of bridges.
I know this must all seem terribly daunting and inconvenient, but it's for your own good. If you don’t figure out how to rebuild the most powerful country on earth when it's been reduced to rubble, you'll spend your lives all spoiled and complacent and happy. Trust'll thank us later for giving you this amazing opportunity.
Peace. Word. Wii.
---The Adults Currently In Charge Of Things
P.S. We'll give you a head start with this free tip. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: Zac Effron.
P.P.S. When China calls and demands their money back, you might be able to buy some time by offering them the Dakotas. Oh, and get a haircut.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Commuting is Fun (at least for the summer)
Waking up with a view of the Columbia running towards Hood at sunrise on Marine Drive is something that I look forward to every morning. The pink, orange, purple, and blue sunrise skies around Hood are just spectacular.
This morning I averaged 22 mph on Marine Drive, thanks to a lower than usual headwind. I was up to 23 mph on Airport Way, but the stoplights got in my way yet again.
Right now my odometer reads 964 miles. I will definitely be over 1000 by Friday (!)
Most people I talk to that don't see me regularly say I look skinny... to which I reply I haven't lost a pound. Who knew biking would build so much muscle? Not only are the health benefits bountiful, but it's the cheapest therapy I could hope for. I haven't had such a pleasant summer as this in a long time, and a lot of it can be attributed to a regular biking schedule. Exercise definitely helps level out the chemicals in the brain and body.
I picked up an 07 Bianchi Pista stock rear flip flop wheel with 16T cog for $50 last night, and slapped it on the Motobecane. I shortened the chain, and tightened up the wheel, so I'm ready to try riding a 52/16 fixed gear! I'll definitely have to put in some practice miles before taking the commute plunge, just to be sure I can handle the hills on a fixie, but it's a challenge I'm willing to conquer. My winter fixed gear commuter is almost ready for the shitty weather, I just wish I could say the same for myself...
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
On our 4th anniversary, I proposed to Betsye Hakes.
Things have been going so well for the past few months, it just seemed the best thing to do.
I bought the ring the previous Tuesday, and only told Betyse's and my dad, and my brothers in law. Betsye got to tell all the women in the family, and since it was Oktoberfest that day also, there were plenty of people to tell.
Her ring is out being sized right now, so she's sad about that, but I'm sure it'll look even better when it comes back.
No date set yet, but I think we're going for early September, before school starts and avoiding any beaver home games.
Let the good times roll.
My bike odometer reads 941.0 miles.
I've had the Lotus since July 18th, but my first real ride was on July 20th.
Assuming I commute the rest of the week, I will have ridden over 1000 miles in 2 months.
I hope I'm wrong
Rove knows this negative campaign has only served to tarnish McCain's rep as a "straight talker".
McCain is as much a straight talker as Larry Craig is a straight man.
Rove knows that if McCain keeps feeding these lies to the media (many of which, I'm sure, have come straight from the turd-blossom's mouth), then the backlash will become much more severe, and people will begin to see their campaign as one big lie.
Now, on a seemingly unrelated note, there are numerous cases of voter caging and fraud already being recorded in various swing states throughout the country. From pulling people with foreclosed homes off the voter rosters in Michigan, since they technically no longer live in their foreclosed homes, to the millions of absentee ballots being sent to possible Obama supporters that have a false return address, the republicans are doing their best to steal this election, just as they did in '00 and '04.
Rove knows this, he's one of the most powerful forces behind the neocon election riggers. He knows that if McCain's credibility as a straight talker keeps declining, then people would be more likely to believe that the republicans are actually capable of such a severe crime as stealing an election.
The only hope they have left is to try to reinstall McCain's straight talk mouth and keep his temper-filled lie spewing mouth sealed and out of the public's earshot. If they can keep the campaign civil and follow Obama's lead, then they can continue caging voters and rigging electronoic vote machines under a much larger shroud of secrecy.
They need credibility. They need people to trust them. You can't trust a liar, and luckily this liar has been discovered by the media before it was too late. But it's not too late for McCain to again reshape himself as an honorable candidate, and allow his minions to continue their destructive practices and policies.
Of course, there's no need to steal an election if said election is suspended due to war with Russia. There's a reason we don't hear much about Iran anymore. Remember, Russia and Venezuela are conducting joint maneuvers near the Carribean. THE CARRIBEAN. Russian bombers comparable to the venerable B2 have been deployed to these maneuvers. And we're concerned with Sarah Palin. Oh, and did I mention the depression looming around the bend?
We need to regain our country, before it's too late...
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Meanwhile, families of the 3000 who died on 9/11 are no closer to knowing the truth about their loved ones' deaths, and bin Laden is still running around, quite simply because he is only a demon puppet used by Bush to scare all the sheeple into hiding behind the facade of republican national security.
Seeing as how we pay their salaries, doesn't it seem prudent that we demand answers? Shouldn't we question these false reports that bring us no closer to closure?
Don't forget to vote in November, that way you too can have your voice stolen for the 3rd election IN A ROW.