Friday, December 12, 2008


It's now been about a month and a half, and still no job, no job prospects, no nothin. I'm trying not to feel like a complete waste of space, even though I don't do much all day, but I think I deserve it. To anyone reading this who might be thinking of taking a year off of school, or before getting a job, do it. Take time to figure out who you are and what you want to do for the foreseeable future. Otherwise you might end up with way more questions than options. I'm using unemployment as a means of figuring out what it is that I would want to do with my time. I feel that a job is not just a job, but it should be a lifestyle. For the last three years, my job was only a paycheck, mixed in with some undue stress. I don't think I can do that again. And going back to school? Forget about it. I have no clue what I would do if I went back to school, so what's the point of throwing money at the problem?
Hopefully I'll figure something out soon, cause I got a wedding to plan. A little extra cash would be quite helpful these days...