Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Laid Off

Well, it's official. I'm a statistic. Unemployed and fearful of my future. Hopefully I'll find something soon so I can continue contributing to the savings fund for our wedding. The worst part is having to put extra stress on my fiance. It was nice having some stability in such a turbulent world, but it was high time I got out of that place. They even laid off Nic who had only been working there for a month. Jeremy would've been next, but he was saved by Lyrik. OMNI Environmental Services is back down to 2 employees, which is where is should have been the entire time. Good thing the management knows how to manage money.
Time to begin another job search. It's been three years since I've interviewed for work. Oh well, that place was poorly managed and a complete dead end. More of a marketing substantiation firm than an environmental consulting firm. I deserve better.